Laughing. Crying. Consolation.
or (to whom it may concern):
Manchmal ist es schön, einen Bruder (oder eine Schwester!) zu haben
Flash off! (Rule No. 5) ... and I forgot this one (Rule No. 12): If you can tell a story with your pictures, than tell the bloody (sorry Elke!) story!
This little series of 17 pictures was taken in Turkey around 17.00 UTC, April, 30th in 2012 within just 4 minutes with the great little Canon digital ixus 430. It was (together with the ixus 500) the last ixus with a relatively thick body. The lens Quality in 2004 was outstanding, not reached yet even with the 2012 models! But: it really doesn´t matter what sort of camera you use: I have seen some very very nice pics, taken just with the iphone 4s. Most important is to become familiar with your camera! If you shoot every day, and you are kind of a heavy user, you can imagine the outcoming result just before you shoot. Ming Thein wrote something about that just two days ago in his article about the new Leica M 9 Monochrome: If he shoot thousands of frames, than he can work also with the 1.4 which needs accurate focus wide open! Otherwise he just can work with the 2.0... and: sometimes it is the camera that teaches you to see things in a new light. I want to say: It is a little bit like piano playing. You can lean it pretty good, but it needs hard work and pretty much time! Then someday some kind of "floating" will begin. Everything seems to be so easy! So: go out! Shoot some fames! Have fun!
Here it is: Laughing. Crying. Consolation. Please note frame No. 14 with the devils horns Julian formed for making his little sister (who just back flopped) laugh a little bit again. He was successful!
If only everything were that easy in life, Elke!

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